
Marketing SaaS company Mobal offers its diverse client portfolio a one-stop, easy-to-use, one-platform solution for gaining greater online visibility. Their AI-powered dashboard makes managing business information online fast, simple, and, dare we say it – even pretty fun. We dashed in to redefine Mobal’s visual identity, as well as designing a matching website.
- Visual identity
- Web design
- UI design
- UX design
- Design systems
- Copywriting

With great visuals comes greater visibility – rounding up the new visual identity
It all began with buttons. We began seeking a new visual shape and appeal inspired by elements visible in Mobal’s brand. We then made our initial sketches more playful by shaping the buttons into a 3D form. The end result was designed to be communicative, playful and modern with a distinctively premium feel. The color palette was kept fairly familiar to their old one, but we added vibrancy with neon lime, used in small doses.

Maintaining both Mobal's familiarity and flexibility in website design
Mobal was particularly happy how modern the look was while still preserving the familiar Mobal feel – they didn’t have to remodel things such as their beloved company hoodies, which they were happy about. Various shapes and plentiful imagery made it easy for them to create new content on their own. Thus, we established a solid foundation, making it easy for them to build upon our work when moving forward with the website renewal.

Honing a honest, pure and simple tone for a smooth SaaS operator
Our goal was to create a loud online presence that matters on the platforms that count, while also showcasing Mobal’s centralized, ease-of-use approach across all channels. We crafted an uncomplicated and approachable tone of voice for Mobal. The communication style should be non-invasive, simple, and at times, a bit quirky, without shying away from fun.